Chad Hudak – Watershed Reflection

  1. In our Watershed scavenger hunt field trip, my group and I went around the east campus taking photos of different locations that involved water. My group was me, Ted Otto, Zach O’Connor, and Chase Ghannam. I was one of the picture takers in our group and would get out at the locations and take the picture that we needed. I also helped with directions.
  2. I found this field trip to be very interesting because I never knew what half of the items on the scavenger hunt were. Our group also made the mistake of driving instead of walking. This made finding some of the locations much more difficult because we couldn’t leave the car to go take pictures. We had to find a spot to park before we could go do anything.
  3. In this experience I learned that sometimes doing things the hard way (walking) is actually much more beneficial than the easy way (driving). I did use some of my skills that I leaned through Boy Scouts. It was helpful because we had to navigate through the woods for a few minutes to find where the creek merged with the Oconee River.
  4. As a result of my experience, I will most likely take the more difficult path next time because it ends up being a better teacher.