Clarke Central High School Outreach

Nina Boone

In class we did soil dilutions and then plated our dilutions on different tet plates. We then incubated the plates and waited for bacteria to form. Once there was bacteria we counted the colonies and decided what dilution and tet produced the most bacteria. Once we completed the experiment in class we went to a local high school and helped the students complete the same assignment. We helped them count and record the bacteria that had grown on their plates. The exact experiment will most likely not be similar to something I do in the future but I enjoyed reaching out to the high school and helping the students so I could see myself doing something similar to this. 

I learned that I understood the experiment much better once I had to teach it to high school students. I really enjoyed doing a hands on project where I actually got to interact with younger biology students. I also could tell that the students got a better understanding of antibiotic resistance which was very satisfying since it meant that my work had paid off.