Climate Change Simulation Reflection

During the world climate change negotiations, I was surprised. I initially thought because it was just a simulation most people would do whatever was necessary to keep the temperature increase below 2 degree. It was fake money so theoretically any country could ask for or give as much as they wanted to help achieve the goal. This is not what happened though. The simulation instead closely resembled Zimbardo prisons experiment where people took on the roles of the countries they were representing. I was also surprised that reforestation and stopping deforestation did so little. I thought the emissions rate would definitely contribute the most, but I didn’t realize how much until we actually put it in the graph.

 I didn’t personally feel I changed my negotiating tactic much throughout the simulation nor did my group. We stuck with our initial plan and only raised our reduction rate when we found we needed to bring the degree change down more. I was also representing India so our group was not in the limelight as much as the US or the other developing countries. 

 I definitely think emissions can be cut but I think it will take a lot of people putting their own interest and comforts second to the goal. I think that is why negotiations like this are so hard because you are there representing your country and you want to ensure your people get the good end of the deal but also work towards the ultimate goal. For instance, donating to the developing counties so that they can bring their people out of poverty but not contribute to the rise in emissions. I also noticed one of the reason people were hesitant to contribute to the global funds was a lack of trust in other. Some people thought the money would be used by corrupt individuals to promote their own interest. I think this is definitely a valid concern but instead of not donating I think it would be smarter to implement ways of making sure the money is used correctly that way the end goal is still achieved.

 I think that to catalyze change in the US there need to be a change in thinking. What I mean by this is I feel like a lot of people don’t see climate change as something that need to be addressed now or by us. It is seen as a problem for down the road and for other people so solve. However, climate change doesn’t stop at a country’ borders it is a problem that affects everyone. I think until people realize that or for that of a better word start believing in the science there won’t be a change. Unfortunately, I think until people notice a change in the way the climate is affecting their day to day life, they won’t change their mindset.