Danielle Hwang


2a) I have taken AP Environmental Science, Biology, Chemistry, and Physics in high school.

b) Out of the 4 that I’ve taken, I really enjoyed taking Environmental Science. My teacher was very nice, and I also enjoyed learning about the way the ecosystems and organisms cooperate and affect one another. I also liked learning about the impacts humans make on their surrounding environments and the Earth, as well as ways to lessen my own impact.

3) From this course, I hope to take with me, any new knowledge of the world around me or biology, in general.

4) I would like to participate in the Outreach with Clarke Central High School students or the Rivers Alive Watershed Clean Up. I don’t have much scientific skills I can bring to the table for either of these projects, but I have worked and socialized with people younger than me and participated in clean ups for my church.

The issue of antibiotic-resistant bacteria is that probably biggest appeal to most of my fellow students for the safety of well-being, as well as the people around us.

As for the watersheds, the cleanliness of the water sources is what concerns most of my fellow classmates. Because the condition of our water sources affects both our health and future generations.

5) Through participation in a service-learning, I will learn ways to address issues within environments and how to engage with the community to help solve the issue.

6) I am interested in ecology like how different organisms and ecosystems impact each other and are impacted by changes. In this class, I hope that I can learn about the different impacts of changes, such as adding new organisms or the change in gene pools, on an ecosystem and its organisms. And how to lessen these impacts if they’re not beneficial for the environment, especially in the long run.