Eric Miller Introduction

  1. In high school, I took honors Biology, as well as AP Physics (I and II) and AP Chemistry. I probably liked Physics the most, as I enjoyed the computation and hands-on experience as a way of learning the information.
  2. I’d like to develop a similar fondness of Biology (as well as knowledge of it) that I have for some other science subjects.
  3. The projects that make an impact on the Athens/UGA community or campus. I think that, as a class, we’d enjoy going to high school classrooms to teach them about important topics, or working on cleaning up campus (especially after game days).
  4. Service learning would help us learn why it is important for the general public to care about the environment as well as what biological topics are essential to know even for those who aren’t biologists.
  5. I would like to learn general topics about ecosystems and how different forms of life interact in different environments (e.g. symbiotic relationships).