Intro: Eryn Hasty

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Hey y’all! My name is Eryn Hasty and I am a sophomore. I have had a good bit of exposure to science, as I am a pre-nursing major. My freshman year I took Honors Chemistry 1. This semester I am taking this biology class along with Anatomy & Physiology 1. In high school I took Biology, Chemistry, Physical Science, and Anatomy & Physiology. A & P is definitely my favorite science course as I am super interested in the human body (hence why I am pursuing a nursing career!) I also enjoyed chemistry last year because I have always been a “math” person, and chem had a lot of math aspects to it.

I am most looking to get out of this course a strong foundation for biology and life sciences so that I will be more than prepared as I enter higher level courses once starting nursing school.

I am most interested in the Rivers Alive Watershed Clean up Project. I love rivers and lakes, and have noticed before how litter not only affects the beauty of the nature for our enjoyment, but also the ecosystems living in these streams, rivers, lakes, etc. In all honesty, I have not been exposed to a lot of awareness about these issues, so I am sure my fellow students have not either. This project will give the opportunity to spread awareness about the issue and hopefully others can find a passion to help make Athens and surrounding areas cleaner.

By exposing more students to the problems we face in our own community through this project, I think we will be able to create a chain effect. Hopefully students can continue to make a change and engage in other communities such as their hometown or future places of residency to help with stream, river, and lake cleanups.

I would love to dive into genetics and diseases in this class, as it is relevant to the healthcare field. These topics are also applicable to all in our everyday life, no matter what major one may be pursuing!