Joe Berman

I’ve taken Honors Bio, Honors Chem, AP Psychology, and Honors and AP Physics. I preferred Psychology, as the nature of the material was most interesting to me in that I learned many things about the world around us that are actually applicable to daily life.

From this course, I would like to gain a better understanding of biology and of the environment around me. The world is fascinating and I would love to have an informed perspective.

The outreach at Clarke Central appeals to me most as it entails working with the local community. I have done several environmental projects back in Augusta and put my knowledge to good use. I think that students on campus would definitely become more interested in these issues if they were aware of topics such as the clean water they drink or well preserved nature areas they walk through.

I believe I will gain a better grasp at working with the public sector through the organization of the projects we complete in this class. Also, I look forward to learning about the specific environmental needs of the Athens area.

Of interest for me is learning about waterways and the water system and what I can do to maintain a healthy ecosystem. I am also interested in learning about microbiology, and the real world applications of it.