Kenleigh Benoit Watershed Reflection

This is an image of the culvert behind Bolton Dining Commons. The photo was taken on the bridge over the culvert. In this picture, I see a hidden culvert towards the back of the photo with a small stream coming out of it. What stuck out to me in this photo is the cleanliness of the area. Thousands of UGA students pass in and out of Bolton and walk across this bridge. Especially with Bolton being a dining hall, I assumed there would be some level of trash in the stream, but it is very clear. I thought it was impressive that there was no debris in this culvert as it would be so easy for a student to toss something aside on their way out of Bolton. Someone may pass this culvert and think nothing of it other than a stream that makes their walk to class a little more appealing. What they don’t know is that this stream contributes to the UGA watersheds and is very important in how the Athens area attains fresh water. The culvert is an important asset in maintaining the campus water flow. When I view this picture, I see the respect the students and faculty of UGA have for its environment. I feel at peace when I look at this picture knowing that UGA values preserving the environment. This photo is about maintaining a healthy environment in which the water is clean and flows smoothly. It is about always finding ways to better our campus environment.