Mary Catherine Meno

  • I took biology freshman year of high school, chemistry my sophomore year, and physics my junior year but I haven’t taken any science since then. I liked physics the most because, with the help of math and calculations, it can be very predictable.
  • From this class I hope to understand the way biology interacts with our everyday lives, learning a lot specifically from our outreach and service learning projects.
  • I am most interested in the Rivers Alive Watershed Clean Up. In other organizations that I have been/am involved with, I have participated in park and river clean ups, and also am Microsoft certified, which would allow me to help create a form to track clean-up information. I think that creating tangible changes and being able to see instantaneous results from our work would appeal to students. Seeing those results would drive the group to do the evaluations of the various litter found.
  • Helping with service learning would allow me to learn how my own daily civic engagement can help produce change in my community. It will also help me witness first hand the effect of waste and chemicals in our environment, giving me a better understanding of why we should be engaging in environmentally friendly practices.
  • In this course, I’m interested in learning about genetics and how what is inside of us helps make up who we are on the outside.