Photo Reflection – Trudi Sundberg

In this picture, I see the art that is within the riparian buffer. It’s a red metal abstract structure. Behind it is a bridge with a small tunnel underneath it, and it front of it is a small, walled-off rocky area. 

In this picture, I noticed how the art looks out-of-place because it’s man-made in an all natural environment, but that it was made so that it almost blends in. 

I think someone would interpret this as man’s interference in the environment, but while we usually think of that as a negative thing, I believe that this picture shows how our influence can be beneficial. 

This image represents a point of pride because I was proud that my University/the city I live in puts art in places, even when nobody might ever see it. It shows that our community cares about the upkeep of our surroundings. 

I think this picture is about the beauty that can be found when humanity makes an effort to make our community and environment better, and when we truly care about it.