Piper Krase

In high school I only took the required Biology course in sophomore year and an Environmental Science class as well. I did not take an AP science class because I do not love science. I enjoyed Biology because I am fascinated by genetics and loved learning about that.

I am excited for the hands-on work that we will do in this class and the work that we will be doing with each other and the community.

The Outreach with Clarke Central High School students sounds interesting to me because I love working with other people and find it interesting that we will be doing work on our own and then implementing that into the work that we will do with the students.

I think through doing the service learning I will get good insight into the power of what we can do outside the classroom, with the information that we learn inside the classroom. I feel like this concept is often forgotten about when because, as students, we can get caught up in just completing the task rather than thinking about the bigger picture.

I am interested in the biology of behavior and also in genetics.