Richard Yones!

  1. Look! A picture of me hanging off the edge of a 4-story parking deck (sorry mom)

2. In high school, I took the basic science courses needed to graduate, (chemistry, biology, etc.) and also took AP Physics which was a BIG mistake. After that dismal experience, I never took another AP science course. I enjoyed chemistry class the most probably because my teacher let me eat my pizza rolls in class

3. Quite honestly, I signed up for this course to get the credit and my honors requirement fulfilled. Upon looking at the syllabus and seeing service outreach opportunities as a proponent of the course, I’m really excited to go serve and learn.

4. The Outreach with Clarke Central High School Student seems very interesting to me. Seeing the way organisms become more and more resistant to their environment (in this case anti-biotic resistant bacteria) has always been of interest to me. Being able to study that alongside other high school students could be very rewarding.

5. The whole idea behind these biological service opportunities is the fact that there is some environmental need that has been unmet, and that we can have an impact to change that. As it is related to civic engagement, these opportunities could help change the culture of the community as it pertains to trash build-up or human interruption of biological processes.

6. GENETICS. Unit 3 is all about genetics, and I am HERE for it. Seeing the way that our DNA programs us to grow in a certain way and commands our body to perform functions necessary to life is very interesting to me. Furthermore, seeing how traits are passed down to make certain organisms better (or worse!) is a fun process to track.