Scavenger Hunt Reflection

  1. In this picture, I see a broken up red solo cup close to the watershed.
  2. What really struck me about this picture is that the piece of trash is so small, that anyone who passed by it could easily pick it up. It is also unclear how long this piece of trash has been there. It could have been there for years for all that we know, so it is very sad that no one picked it up yet.
  3. This picture makes me think about how little we care for our environment, even our closest surroundings. This is not like throwing a piece of trash in a place you will never visit again (which is still bad). This shows people trash their own home, and also don’t care enough to fix it whether or not it is theirs.
  4. When I look at this picture, I feel sad. I also feel hypocritical because I know that as bad as it is to leave this trash there, there have been plenty of times where I have just left a piece of trash somewhere because I was in a hurry or I just did not care enough.
  5. I think this picture is about being aware of how our small actions affect something as big as a watershed. It is also about being aware of how much impact we can make just by being conscientious of our own and others mistakes.
  6. I think that the groups I am interested in, cleaning the watershed and the tailgating cleanup, would both agree that this is an important issue. At the tailgating initiative especially, they probably have seen many more red solo cups around that people just discarded.