Stephen Foernsler

2. I took biology freshman year of high school, chemistry classes sophomore and junior years, and then physics my senior year. I also did the biotechnology pathway at my school over three years which was probably my favorite. I enjoyed the hands on aspect of where I could actually manipulate the DNA of a bacteria or test genes and see the results in front of me.

3. I would like to get a good foundation of biology that I can bring into my life and the real world. It is interesting to see what I learn in the classroom occur in real life. I also want to be able to help others out to better their understanding of biology.

4. The river clean up seems cool to me to always make where you live the best it can be in terms of health and just how it looks and feels. This also goes with the tailgating to see the impacts of a massive pastime at UGA on the campus environment. I think everyone wants to make sure that Athens can be a great, clean place to live and enjoy.

5. I think I will learn about how the little impacts from each thing a person does adds up to a big change. This could be negative if all you do is make things worse for the community, but it can also be very positive. If everyone just got involved to make things better rather than worse giant strides could be made very easily to make the entire community better.

6. I always enjoy learning about the aspects of biology that deal with genetics and DNA because it is really interesting to see how things that you can have no control over affect you every day. I also like seeing how connected everything really is and how it is impossible for any living thing to have no impact on the whole circle of life.