Stephen Foernsler Watershed Reflection

  1. In this picture, I see a sewer manhole where that leads to where waste is transported.
  2. I really noticed just how many sewer manholes there were since there is just so much waste that is created in a place like Athens. We aren’t always sure of how secure and healthy these things are and just what is going on where we can’t see.
  3. This is a very common sight for someone, so it might not really be thought about on a first glance. It is inly when someone thinks about it more that they actually think about sewer waste and the impact it can have.
  4. When I look at this picture, I feel like there is so much that we don’t realize about our environment and what can affect it. We are accustomed to seeing things such as this without caring. It is only when you sit back and think about-possible leakages into water or other areas and just how much waste is created in a city that you realize how much you must do to help keep the environment healthy.
  5. I think this picture is really about the unseen things that go on in our environment and the impacts that people never think about. People must be vigilant in being involved in their community to ensure that everything is as healthy and clean as it can be.