I took biology my freshman year of high school, chemistry my sophomore and junior year, and physics my senior year. I enjoyed biology and chemistry and hated physics.
I want to learn more about biology because I enjoyed it freshman year but haven’t tried to pursue it at all since. I hope to get a greater understanding and appreciation of biology.
I am interested in learning how to help keep trash and other debris out of waterways so as to preserve the natural beauty. I have participated in a number of trash pick-ups at various creeks. I think my fellow students also want to prevent littering and enjoy trash-free water.
I hope I can learn how to help make the environment around me a better, cleaner, and safer place. I also look forward to learning how to reduce the negative impact I have on the environment.
I am interested in exploring biology in more depth than I have in the past. I want to learn more about the natural world around me.