Ted Otto Watershed Reflection

  1. In this picture I see a piece of graffiti in the Lilly Branch watershed. I see it as representative of the arts, something the Athens community cares about greatly.
  2. I was struck by the presence of art, albeit simple, in this utilitarian area. It was out of place in a metal structure, which itself was out of place in a more natural area.
  3. The picture makes me think about how disruptive and conspicuous our presence and impact can be if we are not careful to limit it. The giant metallic structure covers up the natural beauty of the watershed, forcing new art to replace what could have been natural majesty.
  4. I feel both displeased that our presence has caused a break in the environment, but also happy that someone could use this space to express themselves.
  5. This picture is about the changes that our presence can force in the natural environment, whether or not we are aware of it.