Trudi Sundberg’s Blog Post !!

I’m a freshman, so this is my first college science class! When I was in high school, I took Human Anatomy, Honors Biology, and AP Chemistry. I liked Chemistry because the math that it involved was formulaic, and because I thought that working with chemicals was cool.

I’m the one in the UGA shirt 🙂

In this class, I would really love to have a better grasp on how biology works in the human body and in connection to chemistry. I’m also interested in the environmental component of biology, because it’s important to understand how the world around us works. I want to understand how our society can become more mindful of the environment through understanding the biology behind it.

The projects that interest me are projects that relate to the human body and genetics, because I like learning about why and how biology relates to psychology. I also want to explore more of biology in the environment in Athens, so I think I would be interested in testing the water and cleaning it up, because I can see that my efforts are important to the place where I live. Also, because the health of the environment is talked about so much in politics and the news, I think that projects like that would appeal to my fellow students.

Interacting with our community is the only way that we can understand why the topics that we talk about in the classroom are relative in the real world. I think that through civic engagement, we’ll learn how to be more conscious of how our actions impact the people and environment around us, and how to have a positive impact on them.

I want to learn about bacteria in the water in our community, about genetics and how testing impacts the way that diseases are treated, and about microbiomes in our bodies.