Watershed Post Photo Reflection – Silvy Park

  1. In this picture, I see an example of a culvert. It is surrounded by nature (leaves of trees, soil, and grass).
  2. What I notice⁠ in this picture is that the culvert is very well hidden. As previously stated in the PowerPoint, it is “out of sight out of mind.” It struck me that it did not stick out at all. 
  3. This picture makes me wonder about the following question: How many people noticed the culvert upon first glance? Moreover, I wonder how many people even knew that what they interpreted as “underground tunnels” are called culverts because to be completely honest, I did not know the proper name before this class either. 
  4. Before I knew what culverts were, I was indifferent. Because they were covered, I felt that they were insignificant. However now, when I look at this picture, I feel upset. I have noticed culverts before but never bothered to learn about them.
  5. I think this picture is about how culverts, although hidden, play an important role (both harmful and beneficial). Although culverts are beneficial in that they reduce erosion and provide drainage, they also prevent plants from using photosynthesis to receive energy and interrupt the flow of water.