A Misleading Call to Arab-Americans- Collin Barber

“Muslims must report other Muslims who are engaging in terroristic events.” Said Donald Trump in the second debate. I believe that Donald Trump was going for a more explicit approach to this statement, but he could have worded this one better. America has focused a lot of the terroristic attacks on Arab-Americans but they are not the only ones that are destroying this country. The Arab-American population does make up a decent minority of the population in America and every vote counts, so Donald Trump even though he wants to win over the people of this country, he also needs to remember that he is definitely  going to lose some with that statement.

However, in a later debate he was able to correct himself to an extent and express his thoughts in a more substantial manner and make up for this horrendous remark.

“We need American Muslims to be our eyes and ears on the front line.” stated Hillary Clinton in a debate when asked the same question that was asked to Donald Trump. I feel as Hillary did take a more subtle approach to this question but in reality still ended up committing to the same point that Donald Trump made with his answer. Hillary wanted to win over the American Muslims and the other voters so she tried to word her answer in a way to show a favor to each side but obviously was still against the American Muslims. She included in her speech that, “They are our eyes and ears, they want to be apart of our home security so they need to help us.” Basically she is calling them out saying that all terrorism is caused by them and they have to do a better job of reporting to the authorities about any future terroristic attacks that could take place.

I feel as if both candidates wanted to win over the majority population, but did not show much concern for the Muslims and Islamic. They are using the rhetoric of dismissing the Muslim and putting limits on them but it is taking a tole on the thoughts of the ones affected and as a whole demoralizing the importance of citizens of this country.