Are you not entertained?

Trump today made the comment that any disparaging comments he made towards women in the past were for the purpose of “entertainment”. He added that “There’s nobody that has more respect for women than I do” which in itself is ironic because he is the only thing standing in the way of the first female president of the United States. Trump’s problems with women have been widely circulated and this isn’t bound to help him in any way. If the attacks were limited to a certain instance, that would be easier to explain. But years of comments are following him and with as many as he is responsible for, it becomes increasingly difficult to explain how fat shaming a women at 3 am or his comments about Megan Kelly being affected by menstruation.

Women’s opinions of him dropped sharply after the first debate in which Trump came across as hostile. “Twenty-seven percent of likely women voters said the debate made them think worse of Trump. Meanwhile, nearly a third, or 30 percent, said their opinion of Clinton had improved…”. This all proves the original point that Trump saying all these things may have been entertainment for him but no one else seemed to enjoy his brand of entertainment. He constantly turns women voters away and this latest stunt is sure to anger the largest group in America even more.

This is a problem for him especially because he knows that suburban college educated women are a key demographic that he needs to do well with in order to stand a chance in states such as Pennsylvania, Ohio, and North Carolina. He needs to realize how delicate of a position he is currently in. Go too harsh and he runs the risk of coming across as sexist, however his ego and lack of experience may point to the fact that he is very likely to try to make a drastic change anytime soon.


2 thoughts on “Are you not entertained?

  1. I think you’re totally right about how Trumps votes are being affected by his comments and viewpoint of women. I touched on this in my blog post too and it’s an interesting starting point for this topic since it really is crucial that he gets more women’s votes if he wants to win the election. His “entertainment” is quite appalling, and he definitely needs to find the middle ground of knowing what to say when and drawing the line on the comments.

  2. I agree with what you said about how Trump is acting like an entertainer in this election. Despite his comments, he is still losing women’s votes because of his derogatory and insulting terms. However, he has become so popular because he is acting as if he would on TV by being an entertainer- it is what people are drawn to since he is not a ‘typical politician’. However, that is not always the most presidential way to maneuver an election, but for him it has been successful. He needs to stop making those comments toward women and minorities to get their votes in the general election.

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