China China China China China China China

Above is simply a video of Donald Trump repeating ‘China’ over and over and over again. Though this is a bit extreme of a representation, Trump’s repetition of ‘China’ throughout the campaign and in the video serve to highlight the importance he has placed on a the United State’s relationship with China throughout his career as a businessman and brief experience as a politician. When watching the video, it only takes around 15 seconds to realize that he is aggressive and intense when discussing China. This outlandish and bold behavior is precisely what enables him to be viewed as such a unique presidental candidate.

He is not politically correct. 

A recently published article includes quotes from a Chinese-American woman who – wait for it – is a Donald Trump supporter. Throughout her life, Ying Ma has dealt with numerous vicious, racist, personal, and public attacks for her political views.

Ma, a Cornell and Stanford Law educated professional, scholar, and author reveals that is was Trump’s war “on political correctness as the thing that ultimately drew her to the candidate.”

“Yet I believe this same man will overthrow — not just tinker with — the wretched political correctness that governs this country’s discussions and policies about race, ethnicity, gender, and other immutable characteristics. He will fight for Americans in a way that Republicans and Democrats have long been afraid to do, and he will think big, act boldly, and choose common sense over ingrained practices.”

Ma, a self-declared deplorable, states that she is a labeled a deplorable because she “dares to have a dissenting opinion.” Overall, for Ma, Donald Trump offers millions of Americans something she believes political correctness aims to squander – a voice.

So, what does this have to do with China, Trump and trade?

Trump is not politically correct; he never has been and most likely never will be. We spend time analyzing his rhetoric, when the truth is – it is not that complex. Trump says what is on his mind, and if thats ‘China, China, China, China,’ well, at least what you see is what you get. Trump has already proven to America that is not afraid to be bold and go against the grain – something that strongly separates him from a politician with 30 years of experience. Perhaps instead of focusing on the uneducated and aggressive nature of Trump’s rhetoric when discussing China, we should consider the opportunities created from his lack of ‘politically correctness’ and the constraints imposed by Clinton’s safe (but smarter) rhetorical style.


While both Clinton and Trump are looking to the platform of ‘change’ in regards to US trade with China, Trump has the opportunity to deliver a more powerful and enlightening stance in the final debate through his choices of ‘politically incorrect rhetoric.’ Overall, in this election, Trump is going into battle against more than just Clinton, Democrats, women, millennials, minorities – he is fighting a war against what the ‘PC rhetoric” of American politics has become.




3 thoughts on “China China China China China China China

  1. Your article is very interesting. I have never heard of a Chinese person being a supporter of Donald Trump; not that I think it is unbelievable it is just you never hear about any Chinese support in the media. It was good to see an example of that and to hear why she supports Trump even after all of his comments regarding China. I agree that his rejection of political correctness is what makes him so popular among conservative voters. It the whole reason why my grandparents supported him so early on in the campaign. By refusing to be politically correct he is refusing to be like other politicians and from talking so many people I know that this nation is fed up with today’s politicians. They believe they cannot get anything done and Donald Trump to ahold of that belief and has driven it all the way till now. It will be interesting to see if he can drive it all the way to the Oval Office.

  2. I can 100% agree Clintons rhetoric surpasses Trump’s any day. Although she is untrustworthy and maybe lies are coming out of her mouth at least it sounds appealing. Trump on the other hand we are unsure of whether or not he is telling the truth, talking out of his head on whatever comes to it. His short fused temper that he says he does not have (haha) has gotten him in trouble in debates. He flies off the script he has rehearsed over and over. He was told what to say how to say it and he knows there is good reason behind all of this. So if Donald can’t follow the script he is given and knows it is in his best interest to what makes us as Americans sure he will stick to what he says? He tells us he will get our jobs back, he is going to raise tariffs, rules and regulations with trade in China. Although its a long stretch Trump has maybe one good time to spout off one of his demanding remarks to them and what might they do to us? He is a loose cannon and scares me, his rhetoric alone scares me, much less his ideas and plans.

  3. I agree that Clinton overall has a more effective rhetoric. However, Trump’s political incorrect rhetoric has helped him gain most of his supporters. Although, I believe that many of Trumps plan with China are not obtainable, he articulates his plans in a manner that appeals to conservatives. Trump’s aggressive rhetorical style is unlike any that we have seen before, which is why he has gained so much support from conservatives because he is not a “politician” and our country has seemingly become fed up with politicians over the years. I also found it very interesting that Trump would have a Chinese supporter because his agenda as president will not benefit her at all.

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