Election Tuesday, but will Law & Order Stay?

With the election being this Tuesday, both candidates have been advertising heavily through tv aduntitleds, adds on social media, and their supporters have been talking about each candidate non-stop. As voters on both sides have started early voting, the reasons on why they voted for their candidate is a main topic in conversation.  Trump’s law and order message, has emphasizing rhetoric that has fueled his popularity among white working-class voters but which also threatens to antagonize the centrists likely to decide the November election”. Centrist is more than being in the middle it’s a center of acceptance and support equality and hierarchy. This along with Trumps different opinions and comments on immigration, stop-and frisk, minority relations- particularly his views on the current status of African Americans

Trump’s hard-edged message is at odds with more traditional nominees who tend to use the final weeks of the race to shore up support among voters in the middle of the political spectrum. It also comes at the same time that Trump has been attempting to reach out to minority communities with visits to black churches and charter schools, making for some awkward interactions and scenes.

This is something that Trump has been trying to show on social media and through his most recent television ads. Even with early voting having already started there is still time and plenty of undecided voters who still can potentially influence the election outcomes. I personally believe that at this point being a day before the election that majority of undecided voters have made up their mind against Trump with the different messages in his campaign, policy, and lack of political experience, but only the polls will tell.

Trump’s supporters say his “America first” message applies to minorities, immigrants and moderate voters as much as it does to conservative whites. This quote was a shocker personally to me and makes me think of various times when Trump has spoken of law and order and how his policies are requiring more policing of predominantly black and Latino men.  This along with Trump using his campaign and mostly speaking to suburban, conservative white men and women, at rallies is something that says differently.


In the end, the nation will be watching the polls and new networks to see who our 2016 president will be, but before and after the results both sides will be discussing the actions and quotes of the other candidate saying which one is better, more presidential, and who they feel should be the president.

One thought on “Election Tuesday, but will Law & Order Stay?

  1. I agree with your comments about Trump’s policies involving more policing of minority males. Yes, many of his white, working class males probably support this position of his, but how is he behaving or using rhetoric to gain voters from minority populations? Has Trump given up on their vote already? How effective are his messages being now that voting has already begun and the election is decided tomorrow?

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