4 years ago, I did not consider myself a feminist. I thought, “No, no, no…feminists are angry women who don’t shave their legs or their armpits.” That all changed when I saw Emma Watson’s address to the United Nations in which she exposes what feminism really means- the advocacy of women’s rights being the same as men’s. Gender equality.

I have noticed an upswing in modern day feminism. Powerful celebrities like Emma Watson and Lena Dunham and Beyonce are popularizing the term and making it more socially acceptable. Girl Power is here! It’s cool to be a feminist! Needless to say, it’s got a lot of girls very excited that there may finally be a female beyonce-feministpresident come November. Especially one who has devoted much of her career to promoting gender equality. “Too often, these are called women’s issues,” Hillary has said, “Well, I am a proud lifelong fighter for women’s issues, because I firmly believe what’s good for women is good for America.”

Hillary, solely based on her gender, is a beacon of hope to thousands and thousands of women around the world. I believe that it is in Hillary’s best interest to emphasize her gender rhetorically in order to appeal to female millennials and positively affect her campaign. I believe she should continue to talk about women’s issues, continue attacking Trump for the disrespectful things he has said about women, and emphasize how legendary it would be to elect a female president.

Hillary is a strong supporter of equal rights, and she has fought for legislation advocating for gender quality on hillary-clinton-girl-squad-galore-mag-jpgcountless occassions. It is an issue that is very important to her. Before conducting my research on this topic, however, I did not realize what a champion of women’s rights Hillary was. She needs to speak directly to women on these issues more often. For example, Hillary wrote a blog post entitled “Hillary Clinton’s Powerful Message to Young Women” in Refinery29, a millennial-targeted style and beauty blog.

Outside pro-Hillary groups are also releasing ads targeting female millennials, which helps Hillary’s poll numbers. According to the New York Times, “Priorities USA, the “super PAC” supporting Hillary Clinton, and Emily’s List, the political action committee that works to elect Democratic women, have partnered” on a campaign to promote Hillary Clinton and rhetorically advance her as a champion of women.

Trump accused Hillary of playing the “woman card…” Well I think she needs to up the ante.

One thought on “GIRL POWER

  1. I agree with your post about how Hillary Clinton could improve her poll numbers and get voter recognition. She must campaign aiming at women of all ages, but especially the younger women who are considered millennial voters. I know many young millennial women who are voting for Hillary because of her strong feminist rhetoric. I also know many females who believe she does not represent a strong female and are voting against her. Millennials are a tough group to capture because we seem to change our minds and positions on issues quickly based on advertisements, Facebook posts, etc. According to the Today Show this morning, millennial mothers are playing a huge role in this election because of the way they might bribe their children and guide them who to vote for. These mothers feel that it is the next 20 years that matter, and this election will impact the next 20 years, not just 4 years.

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