Law of the Colored Land?

Trump’s law and order platform has evolved from the start of his campaign. Originally the law and order speeches were aimed at law enforcement and laws, but now they include African Americans, race relations, and different social movements going on in the nation. In a NBS summer article, it brings up how Trump discusses donald-trump-jpg-size-custom-crop-1086x628law and order only in black communities but never has blacks in his audience receiving the speech.“Law and order must be restored,” Trump said in this mostly white suburb an hour north of Milwaukee. “It must be restored for the sake of all, but most especially for the sake of those living in the affected communities, of which there are many.” 

I originally thought this was a campaign strategy since he uses the media to highlight his rallies and speeches, but .Trump called blacks the “main victims” of the riots in Milwaukee. “It’s their jobs, it’s their homes, it’s their schools and communities that will suffer the most as a result,” Trump said. “There’s no compassion in tolerating lawless conduct for anyone.

Trump, however, has not campaigned in communities of color this cycle and turned down an invitation to speak at the NAACP’s annual convention in July. In the latest NBC/WSJ/Marist poll, Trump polled at just 1% with African American voters, compared to 91% for Clinton.Still, Trump sought to overcome the daunting disparity by directly asking for their votes. “I’m asking for the vote of every African American citizen struggling in our country today who wants a different and much better future.

At this point in the campaign Trump was directly asking for black votes, but  he has now shifted to rhetoric that is attacking Hillary(calling her a bigot,  saying she’s using blacks for just votes) to discourage voters.  I would love for him to recognize how there is discrimination/ race issues,and how that affects the black community and the nation as whole other than financially. This would be an issue that a surrogate would have been great to speak about how they feel with the social unrest and try to be more emphatic and understanding as well endorse Trump and a plan for the unrest other than more law enforcement, and stop-n-frisk. With the end of the campaign coming near, if Trump could be seen in black communities with black leaders,  interacting with black people would potential be good media for him.

One thought on “Law of the Colored Land?

  1. I agree with your comment that Trump should use a surrogate to attack Hillary and call her a “bigot.” As we have discussed several times in class, Trump’s character is unfit for the president of the United States. Trump needs to display that he can be presidential, and calling Hillary a bigot is not the move he needed to make. A surrogate would be a great person to make that claim and do the dirty work for Trump.

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