Law, Jail, and Hillary Oh My!

While the two  presidential candidates have made interesting remarks to one another, Trump has now said that if  he’s in charge Hillary would be in jail. You would think politicians would support the full due process, but the Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump made it clear he wants Secretary Clinton behind bars as soon as he is in charge. 
Trump, embracing the spirit of the “lock her up” mob chants at his rallies, threatened: “If I win I am going to instruct my attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation – there has never been so many lies and so much deception,” he threatened. Clinton said it was “awfully good” that someone with the temperament of Trump was not in charge of the law in the country, provoking another Trump jab: “Because you’d be in jail.”“She got caught in a total lie and now she is blaming the lie on the late, great Abraham Lincoln,” added Trump as Clinton attempted to defend leaked Wall Street speech transcripts. 
This was said in the 2nd presidential debate last Sunday night as a comment to Hillary calling  into question Trump’s ability to bring law and order as a president. Trump used this quote to push his Law & Order agenda as well as to question Clinton’s choices when it comes to Benghazi and the email scandal. There has been many posts in the media whether  or not the comment and the rhetoric behind it was funny for entertainment purposes, ,petty/rude, or a strategic move to show what he does to hold others accountable. These are a few different things that comes to mind with his agenda of bringing order by being an outsider to politics. This is no surprise that the two  candidates have different opinions about the topics of law & order, race relations, and policy, but I do hope that Trump watches his rhetoric because saying you are locking up the candidate that ran against in the presidential race does not sound well. This also does not help his narrative of being called outrageous, quick-tempered, and aggressive towards women, which has been an recurring narrative of him throughout this campaign.

2 thoughts on “Law, Jail, and Hillary Oh My!

  1. Trump’s comments fail to gain the support that he needs among moderate, college aged, female voters. Most of Trump’s comments made off the cuff tend to backfire on him and land him in more trouble than he started with. His chant to lock Hillary Clinton up will most likely resonate as childish among the moderate female voters he needs. Also, it is not rhetorically sensible for Trump to attack Hillary like that when he needs to gain support from women. Trump’s fiery personality during the primaries was what gained him entrance into the general election, but his inability to rhetorically gain support will backfire on him.

  2. I completely agree when you said, ” I do hope that Trump watches his rhetoric because saying you are locking up the candidate that ran against in the presidential race does not sound well. This also does not help his narrative of being called outrageous, quick-tempered, and aggressive towards women, which has been an recurring narrative of him throughout this campaign.” If anything Trump is only making himself seem more and more unstable. Do we really want someone as president whose number one concern is to lock up Hilary Clinton? As of now I am still undecided personally but Trump has continued to persuade me to vote for Clinton because of his unstable persona and Sunday night just added to it.

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