Law, Race, and Trump’s Rallies

Link to Trump Law and Order Video Below

While this election is going to be known for the candidates being, and being called a lot of different things. One thing that has played a big part in this election is race. In terms of Trump, race has been brought up due to his use of his law and order rhetoric throughout his campaigns in rallies, debates, and interviews.

In a video I saw online, it depicted parallels between racism in American in the 1960s during civil rights and the racism in Trump’s 2016 rallies. While this video does not directly say Trump is racist, the video shows discrimination and racially offensive things from the 1960s and compares them to discriminatory and offensive things at Trump’s rallies. It does show and have Trump quotes, Trump’s speeches audio, and video from his different rallies. This video shows Trump’s supporters reacting to what Trump is saying about how he wants to bring law and order back to America in his campaign to make America Great Again. This video and many like it is all over social media like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram showing the different things Trump is saying in his rallies.There is one clip of Trump speaking and his supporters kicking out protesters as he cheered them on.  The narration of video is mostly from what Trump has said at some of his rallies with  saying how back in the “good ole days” and making alludes to the past and saying things like this wouldn’t be allowed, wouldn’t be happening, and their are even references to violence.

I do see how with these parallels, it does show how Trump has said things along his campaign in terms of race, law and order, and ethically that can be seen as problematic. I will admit how the media portrays his rallies doesn’t help in this situation.  With the debate coming closer and closer I hope Trump changes how he talks to and about minorities with more inclusive and better language. I also hope that if Trump wanted more minority votes that would use a different strategy when it talks about law and order, race, and law enforcement. This video does even make parallels to how protesting and social unrest is nothing new and is still happening in 2016.

2 thoughts on “Law, Race, and Trump’s Rallies

  1. This video was interesting to watch. Trump seems to be hypocritical in his plea to bring back law and order, while his comments are crude and his rallies are often out of hand. If Trump cannot control his mouth and the comments he makes, can he really bring back law and order? Trump’s claim to bring back law and order must be backed by actions that show he will do what he claims to do. If there are videos circulating of Trump cheering as protestors are kicked out of his rally, people will not believe the claims he makes to bring back law and order and bring respect to police officers. Trump needs to get his act together in order to be taken seriously among undecided voters.

    1. I also agree with AEI60299. As of right now I think Trump is “all talk” I do not think his true actions show that he will actually bring back law and order. His short fuse has shown way too and impulse actions are not helping the case either. How is he going to bring back respect to the police when he cannot even control his voters that protest? Trump has a lot of work to do and I will be shocked if he becomes president.

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