Opposites Attract?!?

Watching the Vice Presidential debate I was shocked as to how the two pairs of candidates came to work together. Each Presidential candidate found a vice presidential candidate that would balance them out. Pence is the antithesis of Trump and Kaine is the antithesis Clinton.

In the Presidential debate I watched Trump interrupt Clinton many times, get too heated, shake his head forcefully when he heard something he didn’t like, avoid questions, avoid personal stories and push harsh questions towards Clinton. Pence on the other hand stayed calm, answered questions fully and with common language, connected with the audience, never raised his voice and spoke on his experience. Someone like Trump needs someone to balance him out in the race because if he didn’t then people would think he was just to much of a hot head. It helps the voters see that Trump will have much support from an experienced man in politics.

In the Presidential Debate Clinton stayed calm, avoided all attacks made by Trump, laughed off the little things, made snide comments to the audience to try to connect, spoke on her plans extensively, uses personal stories and answered to many different groups of people that may be on the fence. Kaine on the other hand, gets too heated when a topic that he doesn’t like comes up, interrupts Pence, uses political jargon, visually blushes and avoids certain questions.

These pairs are both a force not to be reckoned with. When the vice presidential candidate so perfectly compliments the presidential candidate only time will tell who will win this 2016 election.

One thought on “Opposites Attract?!?

  1. After reading your post, it seems very clear that we were both watching the same VP debate and came to a very similar conclusion. I was blown away at how polar-opposite each of the Vice Presidential candidates seemed to their Presidential counterparts. I think this was very well done by both parties because Pence put a much calmer face on the Republican ticket while Kaine spent the entire debate criticizing and attacking Trump which will save Hillary from having to do any real criticizing in the town hall debate. Overall, I did not see a real winner from the debate nor did I learn much about either of the two candidates. If we were judging the debate solely off style and presentation, Pence was a clear winner but if we were looking deeper into the substance of the debate, I would say Kaine did a very good job and was most likely defeated Pence. It will be up to the next few weeks as we learn more about these two Vice Presidential candidates and the way they balance out their Presidential counterparts to see who will win the election in November.

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