Stick a Band-Aid on it

More on Emails

Since the F.B.I director, James Comey, has recently reopened the Hillary Clinton email case, the democratic party has made several interesting decisions in order to keep all of these issues under wraps, at least until the election is over. Vice presidential candidate, Tim Kaine, has done his best to brush these issues off of Hillary’s shoulder in order to stay ahead in the race. Tim Kaine is attempting to make these email issues seem a lot less serious than they actually are, so that American citizens are not swayed into not showing up at the polls.

Senator Tim Kaine (D-VA), Democratic vice presidential nominee, raises his hands to welcome the crowd in the Taylor Fire Station on Sunday.

Ironic Timing

Tim Kaine has been in Michigan for the past two days doing his very best to defend Clinton and the email scandal that has continued through out this 2016 presidential election. Kaine uses the style of denial apologia by not denying the accusations of the case being opened completely, but by denying the intent by which they are reopening the case. He does this by saying things like, “Now this is an unprecedented move, as your folks were describing earlier, because it happens close to an election,” which he said yesterday morning on ABC News. Kaine does an effective job of redirecting the questions by challenging listeners to think about the intent of the accusations instead of focusing on the fact that the case has been re-opened.

Stick a Band-Aid on it

Since the 8th of November creeps closer and closer, Tim Kaine and the rest of Hillary Clinton’s campaign is doing a reasonable job at making the newest email claims seem subtle like a small scrape on the knee. As long as no new information about the emails comes into the light before the end of the election, it seems as though the democratic party may have this one in the bag.

One thought on “Stick a Band-Aid on it

  1. I think this is a great point. Kaine is using the denial apologia to help eliminate the number of discouraged Clinton voters from showing up at the polls. It is so important for Kaine to campaign and work even harder than he would have had to before the case re-opened so soon to election day. I think that as his running-mate is being challenged, a lot of the decided Clinton voters who are now questioning their decision will turn to Kaine at this crucial time to make their mind up about whether they are changing their vote or voting at all at this point. It will be so interesting to see how the numbers and polls change after early voting based on what is happening.

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