The Opinion to openly expressed regarding Terrorism- Collin Barber

Many Americans despise terrorism which is very understandable. Terrorist attacks have skyrocketed over the last couple of years and people are becoming more fearful and paranoid of when it will happen next. But what will put an end to all this violence and bring world peace?

Donald Trump did not hold anything back when proclaiming his opinion in regards to ISIS and Muslims, he as you could say “Threw a hail marry on the first play of the drive.” He wanted the people to understand his thoughts on terrorism but may have “out kicked his coverage” by doing that. By announcing his stand point on such a matter, he has given the ability to others to reference him as “unstable” which could be devastating to this country.

Following the debates, Donald Trump has started to pull back or be more “conservative” about his choice of words and thoughts on the muslim population and ISLAMIC individuals. At one point during his debates and speeches he really demoralized the muslim population by saying ,”Islam hates us”, which he was later asked if he meant the whole population of Islam and he refined his answer to, “I mean a lot of them.”

Through out the debates and speeches he has had to redeem himself when it comes to his rhetoric devices used to exhibit his thoughts on terrorism. His process of explaining his attack of terrorism or ,” Five point plan to defeat terrorism” has turned around because people thought of him as unstable and not able to make good decisions on that kind of stuff but now he accumulated a plan to try to persuade his audience that he can form a plan and stick by it.