Trump uses “law and order” to garner minority votes… and it backfires.

This August, Donald Trump spoke in West Bend, Wisconsin after anti-police riots in Milwaukee had broken out the week before. The riots, a response to the shooting of 23-year-old Sylville Smith by a police officer, took a violent turn resulting in gunshot, arson, and several injured police officers and rioters.west-end-speech

Trumps resounding response? Law and Order. And he doesn’t forget to throw the democratic incumbents Clinton and Obama under the bus, no he doesn’t! He makes claims that the Democratic Party says that they care about African Americans and Black Lives Matter, but that Clinton, on her throne of untrustworthiness, doesn’t truly care about their well-being. He claims that Clinton is all talk, but “I will be your fighter. Believe me, I will be your fighter.” In his speech he also says, “Law and order must be restored. It must be restored for the sake of all, but most especially, for the sake of those living in the affected communities…the main victims of these riots are law abiding African American citizens, living in these neighborhoods. It’s their jobs, it’s their homes, it’s their schools, it’s their communities which will suffer the most as a result.” He also calls for more policemen.

But does more police equal more protection? Does “law and order” blmmean the same thing to African American voters as it would mean to Trump’s white constituency? Perhaps not. Unfortunately, many black citizens in America today do not associate the words “law and order” with peace and protection, but rather systematic racism, gun violence, and countless deaths of their loved ones in the black community. So, Trump’s pro-police stance during this speech ended up further alienating black voters.

See Trump’s speech in West Bend: 

One thought on “Trump uses “law and order” to garner minority votes… and it backfires.

  1. I agree with your argument that Trump’s call for law and order will not increase Trump’s support among African American voters like it would among his white voters. Trump needs to appeal to minority voters in another way, instead of bringing to light traumatic and unjust events. Although Law and Order is a heavy topic, Trump needs to focus on other rhetorical messages he can use to increase his minority support. Trump is very alienating in everything he does, and he needs to make his move towards the middle ground in order to gain the support he desires.

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