Trump’s “Opportunity Model” regarding Terrorism

When Opportunity knocks on your door, you answer it with assertive confidence. Donald Trump is turning his view on Terrorism into an opportunistic view in regards that he is not going to sit back and wait but going to be forceful and take charge of the situation. Hillary and Trump view the terroristic aspect differently in regards that “Hillary views it as a grievance regard, where it occurs because of injustice. While Trump sees it as opportunity in that terrorist see a opportunity to thrive so they attack.”

Donald Trump sets the bar high when it comes to his force to be used to secure America and make our country a safe Nation once again. Although both Candidates are basically attacking the same problem, they are attacking it with different mechanisms. Donald is leaning more toward the alliances of more Middle- East countries and implying a more “Extreme Vetting” that will prevent terroristic threats or groups to get into the country.

Clinton, however, wanted to bring in the refugees of the Syrian/Muslim population, but if that was allowed then it puts us at risk of more terrorist to invade into our country. She is wanting to allow this to happen because the people will feel empathy and want to be behind her to let these “Innocent” people enter out nation but who knows who could really be coming onto our soil.

Our nation needs a firm stand on the situation of terrorism and Donald Trump understands the force that is required to have the people believe he has what it takes.

One thought on “Trump’s “Opportunity Model” regarding Terrorism

  1. This is an interesting argument that you pose. I definitely think it is interesting how Clinton and Trump have both taken very strong stances on terrorism and yet how different each of those stances look. This just goes to show the importance of being able to analyze the rhetoric of a situation from different angles and see the positives and negatives of both sides.

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