WikiLeaks Hillary Clinton Leak


WikiLeaks Email Leak

WikiLeaks the journalistic organization that focuses on exposing secret information to the public, launched a searchable email archive of over 30,000 emails sent from Hillary Clinton’s private email server. Recently during the current presidential campaign on October 7, 2016 Wikileaks released 2,060 emails sent between her and her campaign manager John Podesta . This Wikileaks leak happened amongst the controversy of Hillary Clinton’s private server already being hacked by what is to be suspected to be the Russians. In this article I will discuss the rhetorical implications of the wikileaks hacks and how they affect the overlying situation of the controversy surrounding Hillary Clinton’s emails.

Email Contents

The contents of the emails varied from detailing Clinton’s scripted jokes, statements, private views, and general campaign strategies. The most damning contents of the email leak were that they displayed a series of transcripts which recorded private statements she made when giving private speeches to Wall Street . Hillary has long faced scrutiny from progressives that she attempts to garner support from, and has frequently stated that she would be hard on Wall Street. The contents of the Wall Street transcripts show a different story as it shows her pandering to the Wall Street audience and telling them things that are the opposite of what she frequently said in public.

This was very damning to her public image and frustrating to progressives who feel that big business is destroying our economy. Politicians often try to pain themselves as men and women of the people, but this confirms an image of Hillary Clinton that she has long held. She is in bed with the same big businesses that she claims, that she will keep under control. This makes Hillary lose a lot of rhetorical face, as now their worst fears have been confirmed. She has a public face and private face.

Hillary Clinton’s Personality

Another issue that came from this email leak is that it shows how scripted how many of her mannerisms are. Hillary Clinton has always been viewed as being very charismatic and unrelatable and this shows even more that her personality is very forced. This will only further show her as far from the average American which is a fundamental characteristic for campaigning politicians, and add more points to her opponent Donald Trump who has far more gas on the personality bus then she does. Also her laugh is disturbing….


The Clinton campaign can still bounce back from the Wikileaks email leak, but this further adds fuel to the fire of making Hillary appear more untrustworthy. It also seriously adds a level of uncertainty about the character of her and the Democratic Party as a whole. Although the emails may not be evidence of heinous illegal activity, they have still been very damning of her campaign.