Anne Boleyn, second wife of Henry VIII and Queen of England, was a powerful and controversial figure in the medieval period. In her coronation as…
Manuscripts at UGA
I’m interested in my research to find if there is a specific reason for repetition in books of hours and Catholic prayers from the…
Throughout this section, there has not been one defining moment that has opened the gates of understanding about the book of hours for me. However,…
Most days, my classes go to the Hargrett Library to study medieval books hundreds of years old. Last Wednesday, however, my First-Year Odyssey students got…
Books of Hours were used daily for religious devotions and prayers by lay men and women. These books held immense sentimental importance, as seen through…
Medieval Books of Hours are a uniquely intriguing type of text, largely because they are so foreign to the average reader. While they are not…
We’re sitting on the peak of a technological revolution. The past couple hundred years have radically changed the world, so it’s easy to distance ourselves…
Books of hours clearly begin to illuminate the spiritual and religious lives of their medieval Christian owners, but I am far more concerned with what…
If you haven’t done so already, dear reader, you really should go read the blog posts that the students have been posting the past two…
I’m interested here in exploring the meaning behind the seemingly random collection of images that inhabit the borders of books of hours. Miniatures, though often…