Reaction to Sandusky at Penn State

When I first heard about the Jerry Sandusky scandal I thought to myself, ” damnnnnnn.” I also remembering feeling a wave of different emotions: sad, scared, frustrated, disgusted etc. Growing up an athlete and playing various different sports, it was always my coaches I felt I could to if I was ever having problems outside of the sport. To think that a coach would take advantage of his players and sexually abuse them really made me sad, but also very angry. Also some of these boys were very young, which I find to be even more disgusting.

I can’t remember much else about what I thought about this case after the heat of it kind of died down, I know I was a junior in high school when it happened though. I will note that I didn’t think much of it until about a year or two ago I was watching Law & Order: SVU and there was an episode where a college coach was sexually abusing his players and even some of the high school recruits. This episode was definitely made after and about Sandusky. I also think there was another episode (maybe Law & Order: SVU) where another kind of coach was molesting his summer camp campers and they finally spoke up after about it years later.

What I find to be the most interesting and gut wrenching is how when Sandusky was first reported to having touched a player inappropriately, DiNunzio didn’t even speak to the child’s mother. It just blows my mind how schools will do anything to brush something under the rug, especially if it could hurt a sports team or their reputation. It’s also insane how long this was going on and no one did anything about it.


I chose the “The Baltimore protests over Freddie Gray’s death, explained” stack because I didn’t much about who Freddie Gray was or all of the protests in Baltimore and I was interested in this stack of cards.

Not only did I find this stack of cards very interesting, I think Vox is a really cool website. It was super easy to use and had a lot of relevant and useful information. The stacks aren’t terribly long and are easy to read. I really like how you can click through out the cards and start on card #5 if you chose to. It’s also nice how you can rate a page with a thumbs up or down if you found the card helpful or not. Also throughout the cards there could be links to other articles related to the story, if you needed more information on the topic. That is also very cool.