Introduction- Nina Boone

Previous experience with science: I took an AP Physics 2 course my senior year of high school. I decided to take it after taking honors physics 1 the year before. I also took honors chemistry and honors biology in high school however physics was the class that most interested me because it was just as interesting as it was challenging.

What I want out of this course: I would like to gain a broad understanding of biology and be able to educate my peers on things that are happening in our community.

Projects that interest me: The tailgating project interests me because I love football and tailgating so being able to make that experience more clean and safe would be a great thing for the community especially at UGA. I think the fact that many of my peers participate in tailgating and contribute to the trash build up and littering will make them more inclined to help with this project.

Things I might learn: I’ll learn how to communicate to students about how their actions can greatly affect the environment. I believe I can make a difference on campus with this service learning project.

Things I want to learn: I want to learn about some microbiology but also some anatomy and how the human body works.

Kenleigh Benoit

Hi! I’ve always enjoyed science in my high school classes. My previous experiences with science are Earth Science, Anatomy, Physics, Biology, and Chemistry. My favorite was definitely Chemistry because it was a good mix of math and fun experiments in the classroom. Through this course, I would like to obtain a better understanding of biology and how it affects our world. Hands-on projects interest me the most because you can experience it for yourself, which helps me learn things quicker and deeper. I am interested in the Clarke Central High School outreach to help the high school students. I would say that issues concerning the UGA campus directly such as the trash problem would be a topic that interest other students cares. I’ve had experience with this through Earth Day clean ups. By working with the community, we can learn just how much living things are affected right where we are. It will also be cool to see how much people in the community know about protecting the environment and bring more light to issues regarding Biology in the community. One thing I am excited to learn more about in Biology is genetics.

Josh Messitte

2a. I have taken bio and chem in high school, and weather and climate in college.

2b. I liked weather and climate the most, because my professor was great and it was easily relatable to the world around me.

3. Become a fan of biology and be able to recognize biological developments in the modern world.

4. I personally like the tailgate project. I am a UGA tour guide, so I love this campus. I also love football. Especially UGA football. A project like this that integrates helping our campus with football interests me a lot.

5. The service learning aspect of this course will inherently help me learn about civiv engagement. Getting outside the classroom might help me learn how I can reduce bacteria in water samples and help others, etc.

6. I want to learn more biological effects on climate change and how biology will affect my kids and my future.

Piper Krase

In high school I only took the required Biology course in sophomore year and an Environmental Science class as well. I did not take an AP science class because I do not love science. I enjoyed Biology because I am fascinated by genetics and loved learning about that.

I am excited for the hands-on work that we will do in this class and the work that we will be doing with each other and the community.

The Outreach with Clarke Central High School students sounds interesting to me because I love working with other people and find it interesting that we will be doing work on our own and then implementing that into the work that we will do with the students.

I think through doing the service learning I will get good insight into the power of what we can do outside the classroom, with the information that we learn inside the classroom. I feel like this concept is often forgotten about when because, as students, we can get caught up in just completing the task rather than thinking about the bigger picture.

I am interested in the biology of behavior and also in genetics.

Eric Miller Introduction

  1. In high school, I took honors Biology, as well as AP Physics (I and II) and AP Chemistry. I probably liked Physics the most, as I enjoyed the computation and hands-on experience as a way of learning the information.
  2. I’d like to develop a similar fondness of Biology (as well as knowledge of it) that I have for some other science subjects.
  3. The projects that make an impact on the Athens/UGA community or campus. I think that, as a class, we’d enjoy going to high school classrooms to teach them about important topics, or working on cleaning up campus (especially after game days).
  4. Service learning would help us learn why it is important for the general public to care about the environment as well as what biological topics are essential to know even for those who aren’t biologists.
  5. I would like to learn general topics about ecosystems and how different forms of life interact in different environments (e.g. symbiotic relationships).

Vishruth Singireddy

2) The highest level life sciences class I took was Honors Bio. I liked physics more than biology. I was never a fan of Bio mainly due to the subpar teacher we had teaching it.

3) Rekindle my interest in Biology and hopefully do something for the UGA community.

4) I really liked the tailgating one. It is a huge problem for UGA’s campus. If we can help reduce waste, we can continue our amazing tailgates for years to come.

5) If I did the outreach with the high school students at Clarke Central. I would help improve my communication and ability to teach and inform.

6) One thing that really interests me is the concept of Superbugs. I hope to learn what makes them extremely dangerous and how our habits can affect the creation of them.

Haden Jones Introduction

Here is a photo 🙂
  1. I took AP Physics and AP Chemistry in high-school, but I never loved either of them. I enjoyed my honors chemistry class as a sophomore most.
  2. I would like to refresh my memory on the basics of biology, while simultaneously learning new things about the environment.
  3. Outreach with Clarke Central High School Students- I have been in this area and to schools in Athens while playing tennis tournaments, so I would love to meet more high-schoolers and help them with their data analysis. It is appealing to help the environment and animals.
  4. We would learn more about the environmental problems within our new community.
  5. I would like to learn more about genetic testing.

Peggy Brickman – Civic Neat Freak

I am really excited to get to know all of you and working together to help Watershed UGA

  1. I never took Biology in high school because they made you dissect a cat, and that is just wrong. I loved Chemistry, though, and wanted to design perfumes. I figured out after a few college courses that I couldn’t actually work with most Chemists, though, because they are often mean and lack a sense of humor.
  2. The thing that I would most like to get out of this course is to learn how to make you lifelong fans of Biology.
  3. It is so hard to choose. As a natural clean freak, I love the idea of ending stinky polluting dumpsters and leaking sewage, but as the mother of a high school student, I am really excited to share some Biology with them.
  4. I really want to learn more about what my responsibilities are as a citizen and how I can get involved