Joshua Baker

  1. This is me! My roommate/best friend from middle school took this photo of me last night while I was reading something!

2. A. I took a lot of physical sciences in high school, including AP Physics C. I last took a life science in 9th grade and I was not the biggest fan of the class to say the least (to be fair, I was a gifted student who was wrongly placed in a lower level class, so…)

B. I liked physics a lot because it explains how our world works in a mathematical way. I think that’s the thing I like most about Statistics, my major. They both mathematically model our daily experiences. I haven’t found that same excitement in Biology yet but maybe this year will be different!

3. I want to enjoy biology and learn more, especially the data-oriented side of it. Among my potential jobs in the future, I am considering working as a statistician for the CDC so Biology would be very important.

4. I love visiting bodies of water and admiring their beauty so any project involving the preservation of that beauty is interesting (ie the watershed cleanup). I was pretty good at Statistics in high school so I could maybe help with the data analysis portion of the project. The health and wellbeing of our environment is probably a major concern for many students so they will react in a more positive way to try to preserve the watersheds if they see the trash.

5. I think I’ll learn how much it helps just to try to help one piece of trash at a time. Every little bit helps and no one piece is insignificant.

6. I want to learn about immune diseases and any potential link to other factors. Many of my family members have an autoimmune disease, myself included, so I would be very interested in learning more about it.