John Kutteh- introduction

  1. Hello! My name is John Kutteh and I am a sophomore studying public relations from Memphis, Tennessee. I came into college as an undeclared science major, so I have taken a few semesters of chemistry and some other random science classes here and there. I took an anatomy class in high school that I really enjoyed as well as some other required science classes that were not as interesting, but necessary.
  2. I am very excited for our study of compost. I hope that I learn a lot and am able to use that information to convince the people around me to start composting.
  3. I would like to learn what can be done to remove antibiotics from the soil once they are there. It is a huge problem, but it must have a solution, however difficult it may be.
  4. I think my fellow students would like to learn more in depth about how composting can have a positive impact on the environment and how antibiotics in the soil can have a negative impact on the environment.
  5. I would like to learn how to effectively engage the community in order to enact real change within that community regarding environmental issues. 

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