This is me with a friend from high school looking all dapper (I’m on the right).
In high school, I took intro science classes each of my first three years: Physics as a freshman, Chemistry as a sophomore, and Biology as a junior. I’m not really a science-oriented student, so I didn’t have a favorite course, more just a favorite teacher. My Chemistry teacher was incredible so I always looked forward to listening to her even though the course material wasn’t too fun.
Even though I’m taking this course because it’s required for my major, I want to get a basic understanding of Biology. I passed Bio in high school, but never fully grasped a lot of the concepts. I think that having a small classroom environment and unique agenda will help me really understand biology.
How much does the diet of farm animals play into the addition of antibiotics in soil? If we fed farm animals food more similar to their undomesticated diets would that make a change?
It seems to me that the reasons composting hasn’t really taken off on a big scale all comes down to money. How could we make composting and reducing the amount of antibiotics in soil more cost-efficient so that the general public would approve it over cheaper, less eco-friendly options?
I think that going out into the local area and promoting composting and other ideas will help me learn how to connect with others and have civilized discussions about issues. Climate change is always talked about in the news, so if we start by making a small difference in the Athens community, we can make a broader impact on a larger scale if we stick with it.