UGArden Reflection

In this picture, I see a collection of food scraps and plant matter that will soon be decomposed and become compost. I also see concrete dividers for the different stages of compost. Lastly, I see a pile of finished compost in the back. I noticed in this picture that there is a long and intricate process for composting.

This picture makes me think about how the UGArden takes composting seriously. Additionally, this picture helps me realize that everyone in the UGArden community cares so much about composting and healthy soil that they all come together and make one collective effort to compost. At first glance, the average person might think that this is just an image of dead crops/waste. They might also think that the compost in the back is just a pile of regular dirt.

When I look at this picture, I feel optimistic for the future of agriculture. I think that if composting started to become the norm everywhere, there would be much more significant yields of crops and healthier soil.

I think that this picture is mostly about the long and complex process of composting, and how a plethora people come together in an effort to ensure that compost is successfully created at UGArden. The fact that composting is a long process is stressed even more by the large pile of compost in the back, which is several years worth of composting.

One thought on “UGArden Reflection

  1. Thanks for your post, Kim.
    You identify an important difference of perception between seeing “waste” and seeing something that can benefit crops/soil health. How might we help more people see the latter? And then inspire them towards action?

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