Clinton’s Charge on Change

Racial inequality has been a huge issue in America in recent years, and the latest event that caused a bigger divide was the killing of Keith Scott. Racial injustice has been a major topic in this year’s election, and it has been one of Hillary Clinton’s major platform. Hillary Clinton spoke in Charlotte, North Carolina on the issues of race that has hit their city, and her ideas for change that are tangible.


Tangible Ideas

According to an article fromĀ Bloomberg Politics, Hillary Clinton delivered her speech at Little Rock Zion Church, which was been at the center of the recent riots. She was smart in picking this location, because the location has a lot of historical background among the African American community. At the speech, she appeals for change for both African American lives and the lives of the officers who serve the community. She states,

“Of course we need safe neighborhoods, no one is against that. Of course we need communities that are free from the epidemic of gun violence. Of course we need that,” she said. “But we also need justice and dignity and equality. And we can have both. This is not an either or question for America. I want us to commit ourselves to this common vision.”

She is speaking the community as a whole in a way that they can both be united. The two major things Hillary has stated that needs to be changed are gun control. The other major issue that needs to be change is police training. She advocates more effective training for the police officers. Both of which are practical goals.

Hillary Clinton’s plan for racial equality has a call to action. Things that can be done and ideas that are not ambiguous like, “Law and Order” which is the plan that Republican nominee Donald Trump thinks will be effective. When it comes to racial justice, Hillary Clinton definitely is more prepared than her counter candidate.