Election Rigged, Believe Me!

Trump was in the casino business; he knows a scam when he sees it…. Right? This week as the media continued to bash Donald Trump for his performance on the Access Hollywood tape and as women after women sprung from the woodwork, Trump decided to fight back. His new angle of attack took at jab at two of his most hated enemies.

“The election is absolutely being rigged by the dishonest and distorted media pushing Crooked Hillary – but also at many polling places – SAD”

Trump has yet to produce any evidence for his claims that this year’s election will be rigged, but that won’t stop him from tweeting out his own truths. Tweets keep rolling in as Trump does what he does best; attack. He continues to pull at the WikiLeaks string hoping for the whole thing to unravel and while doing so ties in his favorite new word.

“Crooked Hillary colluded w/FBI and DOJ and media is covering up to protect her. It’s a #RiggedSystem! Our country deserves better!”



But what effect does Trump calling the election process rigged actually have?

It turns out that the perception of corruption as well as negative messages about political empowerment may limit voters’ desire to participate in the political process. Alongside discouraging some to go out to the polling booths, this rhetoric instills a sense of hopelessness and distrust in government that cannot be healthy. It goes against his wishes to respect the law and order of the land and the fundamental electorate practices that our country holds so highly. Those more susceptible to Trump’s influence might feel as though they simply cannot win without means of violence or revolution. This may be a tactic Trump is implementing to reduce voter turnout for those that may have swung towards Hilary Clinton as election day nears.










Some republicans may remember last election cycle when Romney’s camp said not to trust the polls. We may see yet another disappointed base that has their misguided hopes up and this brings us to the final presidential debate this upcoming Wednesday night. Will trump continue to push the “rigged” rhetoric or will he appear tame and tempered? Either way America has its hopes up that the excitement continues.

One thought on “Election Rigged, Believe Me!

  1. I was thinking the same thing! Why would you say the election is rigged, that doesn’t encourage people to go out and vote for you! In class we talked about the change candidate talking about their ideal country towards the end of the campiagn to elicit a sense of hope, that would have been a much better route for him to go!

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