The Perfect Couple

Image result for mike pence and Trump cartoon

Not to Worry

Donald Trump could not have selected a more appropriate candidate to stand alongside him during this 2016, presidential election. This is because Pence embodies almost every aspect that Trump lacks, as described by The Chicago Tribune. Mike Pence is the level-headed governor of Indiana and served in congress for twelve years. He is also one of the republican parties’ greatest advantages because of his years of experience and temperate demeanor. Pence and Trump are truly the perfect fit for each other as you can see in this political cartoon. Pence is obviously depicted as the more reliable one in this image, which would lead one to think, ‘Why isn’t he the face of the party?’ After describing himself as a ‘B-List Republican celebrity,’ one might insinuate that he is truly taking on the role of Trump’s guardian angle who stands in the background always ready to swoop in and remodel anything that might come out of Donald Trump’s mouth.

What’s Next…

In the vice presidential debate, which airs tomorrow night, many claim governor Pence is going to have his work cut out for him because of Trump’s tax returns that were released in the past 24 hours. Some of these documents show that Trump lost about 900$ million dollars in 1995 due to bad business deals, according to Today’s Skimm.  After Trump’s decent performance at the presidential debate last Monday, we will see just how articulate governor Mike Pence is at rephrasing his fellow runners sometimes incompetent ideas and accusations. Will he be able to comfort republican voters who are torn about this decision? I guess we will see.

One thought on “The Perfect Couple

  1. Yes, Gov. Pence proved in last night’s debate that he is everything Trump is not and is a much better debater. Many on social media also remarked that they didn’t realize there was a Republican in the race until listening to Gov. Pence last night. Now, many are suspecting that Pence used the Vice Presidential Debate as an audition for a bid for the 2020 election. To add, because he did not outright defend Trump’s actions and off-the-rails statements he won’t really have to answer to supporting Trump.

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