Also completely misinterpreted the original assignment. Don’t want to write about #LochMess so shifting gears to you guessed it…..multisport athletes. Specifically, the tendency of multisport athletes to end up in their sport later in life than say, a basketball player. Additionally, how we are beginning to see a slight shift coming from the younger generation.

Recent Olympic triathletes are great examples. Of the five athletes to represent the U.S. at the Games, only one, Ben Kanute, grew up in triathlon. The rest found their way to the sport post-college.

Story 1: Gwen Jorgensen. 

Story 2: Ben Kanute

Story 3: Specialization

Story 4: Sarah True

Story 5: Not a story, but a good enough source. 

Questions for late bloomer athletes:

  1. What led you to multisport?
  2. Did you specialize in one sport through college?
  3. Do you see more success in multisport or in your individual sport?
  4. What has your physical health been like since taking up multisport?
  5. How often do you deal with injury?
  6. Why do you think younger generations are straying away from multisport?
  7. What are the pros and cons of specialization at a young age?