Name of Conference:Atlantic Coast Conferece
Year of Report2014
Revenue broken out by source
Contributions and Grants:$508,096
Program Service revenue:$301,794,473
Investment Income:$63,459
Other Revenue:-$59,279
Total Revenue:$302,306,748
Expenses broken out by Type
Grants and similar amounts paid: $274,511,767
Benefits paid to or for members:$0
Salaries, other compensation, employee benefits: $7,030,533
Other expenses: $21,834,168
Total expenses:
303,376, 468
Distribution to members:---
Salary of Commissioner John Swofford:$2,042,752
Names, titles, and salaries of 2 employees with the highest payKarl Hicks, Associate Commissioner of Men’s basketball operations: $214,037Jeff Elliott Senior Associate Commissioner of Administration: $192,783