
I’m not quite sure this is what I want to do my personal story on, but this process has helped to specify what it would look like. I’m interested to see how sports apparel contracts influence the school, but more so development of how a school performs after a large contract. In some instances, large apparel contracts and television contracts still don’t produce results, such as Texas, but in other instances, schools grow after a contract.

Story 1: Texas apparel contract background 

Story 2: UCLA, this may be too recent to find trends off of but it’s something to take into consideration of largest contracts to date. This article also helps with this background.

Story 3: This one is more of a database of what contracts at the time were and what athletes got, super interesting to play around with but would be helpful in narrowing down and comparing school to school or conference to conference.

Story 4: Similarly, this article lays out contract of the time and when they lasted until.

Story 5: Biz Journal did an in depth look at just how much goes into a contract. It’s more than just clothes. Tickets, internships, and other benefits are laid out in apparel contracts.


  1. How does conference to conference success differ based on size of contract?
  2. Does the negotiation of a contract come after there is success or is it a contributing factor of success
  3. What are the other benefits than just clothes that come for a contract? How are these benefits justified?
  4. How do apparel companies put a direct value on just how much a school is worth? Or how much they can be worth?
  5. With football and basketball being the main drivers of income, how do colleges divide contract?