Open records to get

Individual project:

  • Basic demographic info about Clarkston High School students
    • How many nations are represented?
    • How many students were not born in the United States?
    • How many students are refugees? How many students have parents who were refugees?
  • Immigration policies, laws
  • Numerical data for how many refugees have resettled in Georgia, how does that compare to other states?
  • Census information for comprehensive look at the makeup of Clarkston

The information about the high school sounds like it would be easily obtained through school employees. When I talked with the principal last week, it sounded like this is information she would be able to get for me. For information about the city, I believe I could go through the city government to get these data and records.

Team project:

  • The forms/paperwork required to transfer in order to see what type information an athlete has to provide and if the reasoning for switching schools is included
  • Historical records of how many high school students transfer each year with information that includes the school they left and the school they moved to.
  • Information or paperwork from the decision-making process if there have ever been instances where a player is not granted eligibility at a new school
  • This is less so a record as it is a stat, but it would probably involve getting some historical data from GHSA. I’d like to see how the parity between the best teams and the worst teams and see if this is the result of an influx of transfers. For example, maybe a while ago a majority of teams fluctuated around 0.35-0.65 win proportions. But I wonder if the good teams have gotten better while the bad teams have gotten worse, which would show higher numbers of teams at the low end and the high end with fewer in the middle. Even if this is the case, it would be hard to attribute it to the increase in transfers who leave to find better teams.

I believe all of this information would be somewhat easily obtainable through GHSA. I’d assume that they keep a database of athletes who participate in sports, and they probably have the paperwork needed to transfer on file somewhere.