Questions about Lacrosse

  1. What makes people, especially kids, want to play lacrosse?
  2. When did the change of kids playing lacrosse happen? Is there a pinpoint time that we can see a large shift in kids to the lacrosse field? Or was it a very gradual change?
  3. If we can pinpoint a time, what was the event that caused kids to switch to lacrosse? Did anyone lead the charge?
  4. How is this affecting other sports? What sports is lacrosse taking kids away from? Why would kids want to play lacrosse over these other sports? Is lacrosse safer than football, which has had many concussion problems in recent years?
  5. Why can high schools suddenly take on all these lacrosse programs? Is it a title IX issue or are they complying with the increased interest in the sport?
  6. How are schools dealing with the added interest in lacrosse? How much more money do they have to spend for accommodations?
  7. Will this trend continue or is lacrosse just a long fad?
  8. Lacrosse is known as a country club sport so how is it expanding to low-income areas around Atlanta?