Revised Story Memo


Revised Story Memo

Key Questions:

  1. What kind of international connections NCAA coaches have and how they get them?
  2. How athletes from other countries are a(n) advantage/disadvantage for sports teams?
  3. Why do athletes from X seem to be more favorable for a particular sport?
  4. How NCAA athletes and coaches would compare American competitive sports to those of another country?
  5. What are some correlations between particular countries and a sport? (e.g. Nigerians and basketball)
  6. Does the move to America give international athletes a better/worst chance at going pro in that particular sport?
  7. How do foreign athletes looking to come to the states reach out to NCAA teams and schools?

Basic Structure:

  • I want my story to focus more on the trends of international recruiting and which patterns exist in which sport. I don’t want the story to go much into what these athletes go through, but more so on what advantages they have in particular sports and why. Also, how coaches find these athletes and recruit them.

Complementary Elements

  • I really want to create a graph, chart or sometime of infographic. Depending on my findings, I have the chance to gather a lot of information and data that may get confusing to my audience if I describe it in words.
  • Another idea would be to create some sort of graphic that would pull data from X amount years ago and see how long these patterns and trends have been going on. For instance, if UCLA’s basketball team has been recruiting athletes from the same country for 20 years, it could be interesting results to report.