
I chose the stack on Transgender myths because honestly, I live a rather sheltered life and love taking any opportunity I can to learn. I was particularly intrigued by the card that explained gender identity in children, which I was honestly under a different impression of. I did not know that a child could determine a gender identity, considering their brains are not fully developed and they have experienced so little life. In terms of presentation, there are things that I both like and dislike about it. I like that the presentation is unique by the means of cards and that the colors blend well and seem appropriate for what the site is being used for. I also liked that you could see all the headlines in one screen so that you could easily pick what you wanted to read. However, I went to vox.com and could not find the cards from there, so if they are trying to gain attention and reads, it may not be the best idea.

When I first heard about the Sandusky situation, I did not know what to think about the situation. The news broke when I was in high school and if I’m being honest, I was not huge on the news in high school as I was too involved with my own athletic career to really spend time doing anything else. Pathetic excuse, especially considering where I am now. When I really took the time to learn what happened, I was disgusted. Purely disgusted. How could someone do that and how could someone else, someone so loved by so many, just let it happen? I was curious and wanted to know more, but also in too much of disgust to search for more answers.

Being a little bit older and a little bit wiser, reading the Patriot News now is even harder. I actually googled ‘Jerry Sandusky’ and learned based on recent news that he is now trying to appeal and actually appeared in court today. To me, that is just sick and cowardly. Why not take responsibility when all these people are scarred and suffering because of your actions? Reading the specific allegations are the hardest part for me, simply because of what they are; specific. Imagery, in this case, is not as welcome as usual. I commend Ganim’s reporting and I can only imagine how hard it must have been with her, having an even closer look at the case. As a women in sports media, I can only imagine the stigmas she encountered and roadblocks, considering the situation.